Wednesday, April 26, 2006

To do...

It is now April 26th and I am knocking on the door of being 8 months pregnant. I am starting to feel the pressure (not just in my belly). I have so many things I want to get done, but between carrying around a bowling ball in my stomach and work and school and Ryan, I am finding it hard to get everything accomplished. I am finishing up my CE credits for my insurance license today, a project that has been looming oveer my head for the past month. I had the day off yesterday and packed Noah's hospital bag and did some organizing in the boys' rooms. There are still many things I want to do, but I suppose the world will not come to an end if they don't get finished.

I am getting very excited about the end of my pregnancy. I am more excited this time around because I know that all this discomfort is worth what comes out of it. I want to hold my baby and see what he looks llike. I am excited about Ryans reaction, too. And I am excited about this great excuse to not work for most of the summer. It will be a hard adjustment again, I'm sure, but one that will come with many rewards.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ryan is going to be a great "big" brother. I am very excited to see that also:)

11:47 AM  

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