Thursday, September 15, 2005

Worry Wart

Why do I worry so much? Rob and I have been married almost five years and we have always been able to pay bills and have food in our refrigerator. Obviously, living on basicly one income is a challenge, but we still have been "making it". Yes, we have to give a lot of things up, but God is still providing for us. So why the constant worry? I am forever thinking about our budget, what happens if this and what happens if that and even what our life could be like if I worked and what our new budget would look like. It is very exhausting for me and even for Rob. Although I don't even tell him a fraction of what my thoughts are on this subject, the things I do talk to him about are surely tireing for him. His response is usually the same..."don't worry about it, Kim". I hate those words. I know in my mind that all of my thoughts won't change a thing, but somehow that knowledge doesn't change me. I am sure I would be a much more relaxed person if I could just stop worrying, but I can't...why is this?


Blogger Wags said...

maybe you need to find a part-time job cleaning a bachelor-pad... just on the side... (:

3:55 PM  
Blogger Daniel Rudd said...

you should read the book I am writing.

It's called:

"The solution to every problem you could ever have"

Here's an excerpt. My publisher says it is a good idea to let people get a feel for the book so it will creat a buzz.

Chapter 7: The solution to worrying

Stop It!

I'm going to also include chapter 9 which I think is also pertinant.

Chapter 9: The solution to nose-picking

Stop IT!

That reminds me of this great quote from chapter 3 (the chapter on overeating). I'll just give you the quote instead of the whole chapter since this comment is getting long.

Quote form Chapter 3:

Hope this helps.

The books should be released soon, the editor is just trying to make chapter 15 (The solution to overly-simplistic thinking) a little more colorful.

9:54 AM  
Blogger Lindsey said...

Kim- We are so much alike! I cannot stand when TJ says "Don't worry about" It just makes me frustrated to hear. I try to look back on my life and see all the finger prints of God throughout my life, especially during the stressful times. Then i take deep breaths! I hate worrying that i worrying too much. . .

8:37 PM  

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