Sunday, September 11, 2005

Brings me back

Weight Watchers lunches: Lean Cuisine Meal, diet soda, toasted wheat english muffin with a few squirts of spray butter. This is what I lived on the last year and a half that I worked at Chaddock, Winter and Alberts. The LC Meal had between 2 and 6 points, diet soda had none and the english muffin had one. It was a bonus to find a LC Meal with 3 points that we really liked because then the total lunch would only have 4 points. I wasn't really on Weight Watchers, but since the three other women I had lunch with were, I joined in the fun, at least for the day while I was at work. I miss those girls terribly. We were exceptionally close as far as co-workers go. We laughed a lot, cried together sometimes and vented to each other daily about the embezzling boss we were employed by. I still talk to them, one of them weekly, and am so glad to have had that experience with them (although in every other way, I am so glad it's over). Why do I bring this up? I had a Weight Watchers meal for lunch today...7 total points!


Blogger Ryan said...

Interesting perspective Andrea Peterson. From reading Kim's blog, I can see that you really know her interests!

4:49 PM  
Blogger rob peoples said...

i dont think you want to know how many points i had today kim, lets just say i was tired this afternoon and drank 3 vaults.

10:41 PM  

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