Saturday, July 02, 2005

I really need a digital camera. I only have pictures that my mom has taken and given to me. So, this means that since I have no recent pictures, I have to pick a cute picture of Ryan and post it.

Hmmmm...what else do I need. Isn't that the burning question? It seems that there is always a running list of things I "need" and I just know that I would be happy if I could get just one of those things. For me right now that one thing is a patio set. I have wanted on for four years now, but have never quite had the money to get one. This year, though, we have Ryan. No, Ryan wouldn't benefit from the patio set, but I would be able to sit at it to watch Ryan play outside. They are on clearance now and I would get the cheapest one out there and...I don't know quite when the rationalizations will end in my mind. Who knows, I may just get that patio set this summer, or I may not. But I want to know how we learn to be content. God has blessed us with so many things and so many friends. I don't really know how our lives could be better (except, of course, with a patio set). A prayer of my has been for so long to be content. Some weeks I achieve that, some weeks I don't. Please God, let me be content.


Blogger rob peoples said...

as i look out the almost broken sliding glass door i no longer see just a space - i see a patio set - a clearance special from target no less

i like to get you the things that you want kim :-)

10:35 PM  
Blogger Ang said...

what a nice husband.
we'll have to come see your new patio set soon.

6:56 PM  
Blogger Ang said...

i still check this blog. ...hoping, waiting, longing, for a new post.
i miss you, friend. and i'm looking forward to hanging out together Thursday.

7:51 AM  

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